
I am a postdoctoral researcher at Microsoft in the Office of Applied Research. In May 2024 I graduated with a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Massachusetts Amherst advised by Andrew McCallum at the Information Extraction and Synthesis Laboratory (IESL) and Hamed Zamani at the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval (CIIR). I am interested in developing interactive and personalized systems to aid information workers in finding, consuming, and producing knowledge. In my work I draw on the areas of natural language processing, information retrieval, and human-computer interaction.

You can view my CV here: link

Or visit me here: Twitter | Linkedin | Google Scholar | Semantic Scholar

Or send me an email if you want to speak to me.


  • May 2024: I defended my Ph.D. thesis on "Controllable Personalization for Information Access"! (PDF to be available soon!)
  • Nov 2023: Pre-print from an exciting internship at Microsoft Research (and a delightful summer in Seattle!) is now online!
  • Jun 2023: Had a paper proposing a method for narrative driven recommendation accepted to RecSys 2023!
  • Apr 2023: Had a paper proposing a model for controllable text recommendation accepted to SIGIR 2023!
  • Dec 2022: Had a paper exploring the literature review practices of data scientists accepted to CHIIR 2023!
  • May 2022: Had a paper proposing system for cross-domain exploratory search accepted to the NLP+HCI Workshop at NAACL 2022.
  • Apr 2022: Had a paper proposing a method for fine-grained document similarities accepted to NAACL 2022.
  • Oct 2021: Had a paper introducing the faceted query-by-example task accepted to the NeurIPS 2021 Datasets and Benchmarks track!
  • Aug 2021: Had a paper introducing a dataset for scientific entity extraction accepted to EMNLP 2021!
  • Jun 2021: Had a fantastic time interning at the AI2 Semantic Scholar team over the summer with Tom Hope and Arman Cohan.
  • Sep 2020: Had a paper proposing a method for retrieval augmented shallow-semantic parsing accepted at Findings of EMNLP 2020.